Chapter 4: Effusions
4.1. Normal heart
4.2. Normal pleura (‘curtain')
4.3. Normal pouch of Morison
4.4. Normal spleno-renal pouch
4.5. Normal pouch of Douglas (female)
4.6. Normal pouch of Douglas (male)
4.7. Tuberculous pericardial effusion
4.8. Tuberculous pleural effusion
4.9. Ascites on the right side
4.10. Ascites on the left side
4.11. Ascites in the pouch of Douglas
Chapter 5: Lymph nodes
5.1. Epigastric area without enlarged lymph nodes
5.2. Abdominal TB with enlarged lymph nodes
5.3. Abdominal TB with enlarged lymph nodes next to inflamed bowel
5.4. Abdominal TB LN, another example
5.5. Echogenic LN due to cancer metastases
Chapter 6: Spleen
6.1. Normal spleen
6.2. Splenomegaly
6.3. Large spleen lesions
6.4. Micro-abscesses of the spleen
6.5. “Mottled” spleen
Chapter 7: Liver
7.1. Granulomatous “hepatitis” due to TB
7.2. Tuberculomata of the liver
7.3. “Mottled” liver due to TB infection
7.4. Liver cyst
7.5. Echinococcal cyst
7.6. Amoebic abscess
7.7. Multiple amoebic abscesses
7.8 Pyogenic liver abscess
7.9. Liver haemangioma
7.10. Focal patch of fatty infiltration
7.11. Metastases of the liver
7.12. Lymphoma Involvement of the liver
7.13. Fatty infiltration of the liver
7.14. Intra-abdominal fat
7.15 Liver cirrhosis
7.16. Liver cirrhosis with spleno-renal shunt
Chapter 8: Chest
8.1. Complex pleural effusion
8.2. Solid lung due to pneumonia
8.3. Empyema neccessitans
Chapter 9: Extrapulmonary TB
9.1. Complex ascites
9.2. “Turbid” ascites
9.3. Bowel TB I
9.4. Bowel TB II
9.5. Caecal TB
9.6. Pancreatic TB
9.7. Hydronephrosis in urogenital TB
9.8. Multiple tuberculomata of the kidney
9.9. TB epididymidis
9.10. Testicular TB
Chapter 10: Heart
10.1. Pericardial effusion
10.2. Pericardial tamponade
10.3. Pericardial tamponade II
10.4. Pericardial tamponade II after percutaneous drainage
10.5. Pericardial tamponade II after few days of steroids
10.6. Congestive heart failure
10.7. Congestive heart failure with intra-cardial thrombus
10.8. Cor pumlonale
10.9. Constrictive pericarditis
Chapter 11: DVT
11.1. Normal femoral vessels
11.2. Normal femoral vessels (colour-Doppler)
11.3. Deep vein thrombosis
11.4. Deep vein thrombosis (colour-Doppler)
Chapter 12: Other HIV findings
12.1. HIV-associated nephropathy (HIVAN)
12.2. Acalculous cholecystitis
12.3. Gallstones
12.4. Cholangitis
12.5. Cholangitis with sclerosis
12.6. Starry sky spleen
12.7. Starry sky spleen “with smaller stars”
12.8. Normal parotid
12.9. Diffuse infiltrative lymphocytosis syndrome (DILS) of the parotid gland
Chapter 13: Interventional
13.1. Abscess puncture
13.2. Lymph node aspiration